Friday, May 7, 2010

What is Core Training?

Core training is essential to training for athletes as well as fitness enthusiasts. The core has been called the "power zone" and "power house" where the body's center of gravity is located. Most of all it is where all movements are initiated.

The muscles of the core include the abdominals, muscles of the hip and back. They are located at the core of your body where the limbs extend from. These muscles are responsible for developing power, maintaining balance and stability and improving coordination.

Just imagine performing a golf swing or even carrying groceries and how important it is to use your core to perform these movements. The benefits of a strong and stable core include:

  • Increased power development to help with those movements that require changing direction, accelerating the body or limbs, etc.

  • Improved stability and efficiency to be successful of providing an anchor for the major muscles of the upper and lower body.

  • Improved balance to enhance athletic, recreational and daily living activities.

  • Reduce risk of injury

Core training can be easily implemented into an existing strength routine by doing the following:

  • Perform exercises standing on one leg or unstable surfaces

  • Change seated exercises to standing exercises

  • Make controlled movements in different planes of movement - rotate, diagonal, etc.

  • Have feet together rather than apart when standing or sitting on a exercise ball

  • Perform the exercises at different speeds

Hints to remember:

  • Always control the movement performing

  • Focus on what muscle or muscle group (s) using during the exercise and FEEL them working

  • Read your body

  • Maintain your posture

Go get'em. There are a lot of fun ways to train your core. Enjoy!!!!!

Resource: NSCA's Performance Training Journal, Volume 2, number 6.

1 comment:

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